Monday, August 27, 2012

The Dark Light by Sara Walsh

About the Book:
Pages: 496
Series: None (as of now, but hopefully...)
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: August 28th, 2012
Source: Simon & Scheuster

GoodReads Summary:

Mia is torn between two guys—and two worlds—in this epic, romantic fantasy. Mysterious lights have flickered above Crownsville for as long as Mia can remember. And as far as she’s concerned, that’s about the only interesting thing to happen in her small town.

That is, until Sol arrives. Mia’s not one to fall for just any guy, but she can’t get Sol—or the brilliant tattoo on his back—out of her mind.

Then Mia’s brother goes missing, and Mia’s convinced that Sol knows more than he’s sharing. But getting closer to Sol means reevaluating everything Mia once believed to be true. Because Sol’s not who Mia thought he was—and neither is she.


 Mia's life was normal in the slightest of terms. She went to high school, had good grades, had abest friend, played sports... but her life was also really mysterious. Her father had ditched her as a baby and her mother was thrown in jail, so she lives with an uncle who drinks more than he shows up at home, and now there's been six boys kidnapped in her town and the surrounding area. Then a new boy, Sol, saunters in to town shrouded with mystique. Just meeting this boy changes her life... and her world.

This book was amazing. It definitely sits up on that shelf with the Hunger Games, and the Trylle trilogy. I was expecting this to be an angel book for some reason. I guess because of the tattoo on the cover. I don't know. So I was surprised when I was faced with a crazy fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian kind of world. But I was also happy with it. The wacky characters added to the excitement I had brewing for this book.

Sol was a great character. He reminded me of Alex from Angel Burn and a little of Finn from Switched. (Anyone else?) The summary up top (↑) kinda lies because I never felt like there was competition between Sol and Andy. She liked Andy as a high school prom date but not as anything serious. With Sol it was like an instant connection. The romance aspect of this story was sooooo suspenseful and frustrating! I wanted her to kiss him like fifteen times before they actually did!

But that was the genius part! You had the whole story to focus on but then you get bored with that and you can watch their romance unravel. And all the little road blocks the author added in to make their relationship even more tension were brilliant, first it was Delane and Sol thinking Mia liked him, then Mia thinking he was with Vermillion, then her father not wanting them together. It kept you interested and reading.

This book was reallllllyyyyy gooooooodddddd. Thanks Simon & Scheuster! I can't wait for (hopefully) the sequel to come out. I recommend this book to people.... just people. I mean anyone who likes to read, please read this!

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