Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy- Ways to Help

Hi everyone,
I know this isn't a book review but hopefully one will be coming soon! (if your wondering which book check out my GoodReads) I just wanted to let you guys know that I survived Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy ;) Luckily my county got the least of her fury, but there are some trees down over here and my power was out for two days. Now watching the news anyone can see that most places affected by this storm have been hit hard and are seriously suffering.

Please try to help those in need and visit:
Red Cross- and look under How To Help Those Affected
Feed The Children- general information and donation options
World Vision- Personal hygiene, food, and flood-clean-up kits for victims

And for lots of other ways to help/donate visit ABC News for a list of charitable websites.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vesper by Jeff Sampson

About the Book:
 Pages: 288
Series: Deviants #1
Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: January 25th 2011
Source: Library

GoodReads Summary:
Emily Webb is a geek. And she's happy that way. Content hiding under hoodies and curling up to watch old horror flicks, she's never been the kind of girl who sneaks out for midnight parties. And she's "definitely" not the kind of girl who starts fights or flirts with other girls' boyfriends. Until one night Emily finds herself doing exactly that . . . the same night one of her classmates--also named Emily--is found mysteriously murdered.

The thing is, Emily doesn't know why she's doing any of this. By day, she's the same old boring Emily, but by night, she turns into a thrill seeker. With every nightfall, Emily gets wilder until it's no longer just her personality that changes. Her body can do things it never could before: Emily is now strong, fast, and utterly fearless. And soon Emily realizes that she's not just coming out of her shell . . . there's something much bigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soul of the other, murdered Emily? Or is Emily Webb becoming something else entirely-- something not human?

As Emily hunts for answers, she finds out that she's not the only one this is happening to--some of her classmates are changing as well. Who is turning these teens into monsters--and how many people will they kill to get what they want?

Sorry the review is small... but I read this book a long time ago.... sorry, again!

Emily doesn't know whats going on. A girl in her small town had been found dead and she is suddenly running around flirting and fighting. All of this started after the girl was murdered. During the day Emily is her self but at night she turns into a social butterfly who isn't afraid to do anything. Somethings up but Emily's not sure she can get to the bottom of it. She knows that this odd bewitching has something to do with the murderer and the girl that died but she can't pin point one thing....

This book was a great read, especially after reading the Trylle trilogy. It still had the fantasy I yearned for but also added in some realistic fiction. I also thought that the concept was great and really unique. I was really frustrated with Emily though; I wanted to slap her and say, "Get yourself together!" The quiet side of her was the most aggravating because she was just sooooo quiet. I mean I'm quiet too but not that much! I didn't really like the romantic aspect of this book either; I felt like the reader didn't have enough time to connect with the guy she ends up with.

Over all, it was a nice read, but I wasn't really impressed by anything. Maybe the sequel will show up on my blog someday? I don't know. But what I do know is that I've been absent for a long time, but I'm planning  on trying to blog more. Again sorry this was so short but I'm pressed for time and, truthfully, I don't remember much of the book. See you soon!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Dark Light by Sara Walsh

About the Book:
Pages: 496
Series: None (as of now, but hopefully...)
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: August 28th, 2012
Source: Simon & Scheuster

GoodReads Summary:

Mia is torn between two guys—and two worlds—in this epic, romantic fantasy. Mysterious lights have flickered above Crownsville for as long as Mia can remember. And as far as she’s concerned, that’s about the only interesting thing to happen in her small town.

That is, until Sol arrives. Mia’s not one to fall for just any guy, but she can’t get Sol—or the brilliant tattoo on his back—out of her mind.

Then Mia’s brother goes missing, and Mia’s convinced that Sol knows more than he’s sharing. But getting closer to Sol means reevaluating everything Mia once believed to be true. Because Sol’s not who Mia thought he was—and neither is she.


 Mia's life was normal in the slightest of terms. She went to high school, had good grades, had abest friend, played sports... but her life was also really mysterious. Her father had ditched her as a baby and her mother was thrown in jail, so she lives with an uncle who drinks more than he shows up at home, and now there's been six boys kidnapped in her town and the surrounding area. Then a new boy, Sol, saunters in to town shrouded with mystique. Just meeting this boy changes her life... and her world.

This book was amazing. It definitely sits up on that shelf with the Hunger Games, and the Trylle trilogy. I was expecting this to be an angel book for some reason. I guess because of the tattoo on the cover. I don't know. So I was surprised when I was faced with a crazy fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian kind of world. But I was also happy with it. The wacky characters added to the excitement I had brewing for this book.

Sol was a great character. He reminded me of Alex from Angel Burn and a little of Finn from Switched. (Anyone else?) The summary up top (↑) kinda lies because I never felt like there was competition between Sol and Andy. She liked Andy as a high school prom date but not as anything serious. With Sol it was like an instant connection. The romance aspect of this story was sooooo suspenseful and frustrating! I wanted her to kiss him like fifteen times before they actually did!

But that was the genius part! You had the whole story to focus on but then you get bored with that and you can watch their romance unravel. And all the little road blocks the author added in to make their relationship even more tension were brilliant, first it was Delane and Sol thinking Mia liked him, then Mia thinking he was with Vermillion, then her father not wanting them together. It kept you interested and reading.

This book was reallllllyyyyy gooooooodddddd. Thanks Simon & Scheuster! I can't wait for (hopefully) the sequel to come out. I recommend this book to people.... just people. I mean anyone who likes to read, please read this!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze

About the Book:
 Pages: 295
Series: Last Princess #1
Publisher: Poppy
Release Date: May 1st, 2012
Source: Library
GoodReads Summary:

A series of natural disasters has decimated the earth. Cut off from the rest of the world, England is a dark place. The sun rarely shines, food is scarce, and groups of criminals roam the woods, searching for prey. The people are growing restless. When a ruthless revolutionary sets out to overthrow the crown, he makes the royal family his first target. Blood is shed in Buckingham Palace, and only sixteen-year old Princess Eliza manages to escape. Determined to kill the man who destroyed her family, Eliza joins the enemy forces in disguise. She has nothing left to live for but revenge, until she meets someone who helps her remember how to hope-and love-once more.Now she must risk everything to ensure that she does not become... The Last Princess.


The world has ended. But not everyone has perished. In fact, the royal family mostly survived the apocalypse. Besides their mother, who was poisoned and killedby a resistance leader named Cornelius Hollister, the royal family is doing fine surviving in the destruction of the former world. Until they discover that this rebel leader is out for their blood and won't stop until he's the ruler of Britain. Eliza is forced to join the army that's determined to kill her family in order to save her siblings and the crown.

I thought that this post-apocalypes theme was really interesting. Especially with the main characters being the majesties of England! I thought that added a regal feel to the story :) It was facsinating how the people were categorized. There were Roamers; the theives, murderers, and over all bad guys, who had escaped from prisons once the electricity went out. They, well, roam in search of things to feed on such as squirrels, horses, and... humans. Collectors who search through the endless piles of trash, attempting to discover anything useful.

 As I said I liked the after-the-world-ends theme but I wish it came into play more during the middle and end of the book. I felt like at that point the story revolved around the revolution and made the time feel distorted. Because they had no electricity or anything like that and they rode on horses and used mostly swords, I felt like we were in the medieval times, not the future. This annoyed me and I wish the author hadn't written about royalty cause that just added to the confusion.

Time to get to the romance because, I have to admit, I didn't like it. Wesley was a character who had a regretable past, a tragic present, and a unchangeable future. But all those things said did not make him a strong character. I felt like i couldn't even fall in love with him if I tried because his characters presence is so vague. It's like you meet him, and you like him, because he's nice to Eliza. But then they just start making out? It's especially sad that I don't love him because the story is told from first person, the easiest way to get readers to like a character! If the main character likes him then you should to because the MC's (main characters) opinion is dominant in the story.

I liked this book,  I really did. It's just that the plot, setting, and characters need a little work. The main idea behind the book intrigued me and I wanted to read more, so I'm excited for the sequel coming out in spring 2013. I hope this book is read by a ton of people and that this post-apocalypse theme catches on. I recommend this book to fans of the Hunger Games, people who are excited for a new genre, and lovers of everything adventure.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Wake by Amanda Hocking

About the Book:
Pages: 309
 Series: Watersong #1
 Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
 Release Date: August 7th 2012
 Source: St. Martin's Griffin

GoodReads Summary:
Gorgeous. Fearless. Dangerous. They're the kind of girls you envy; the kind of girls you want to hate. Strangers in town for the summer, Penn, Lexi and Thea have caught everyone's attention—but it’s Gemma who’s attracted theirs. She’s the one they’ve chosen to be part of their group.

Gemma seems to have it all—she’s carefree, pretty, and falling in love with Alex, the boy next door. He’s always been just a friend, but this summer they’ve taken their relationship to the next level, and now there’s no going back. Then one night, Gemma’s ordinary life changes forever. She’s taking a late night swim under the stars when she finds Penn, Lexi and Thea partying on the cove. They invite her to join them, and the next morning she wakes up on the beach feeling groggy and sick, knowing something is different.

Suddenly Gemma is stronger, faster, and more beautiful than ever. But her new powers come with a terrifying price. And as she uncovers the truth, she’s is forced to choose between staying with those she loves—or entering a new world brimming with dark hungers and unimaginable secrets.


Gemma always loved the water. Swim team was fun and all but the real magic of swimming only appears when she's in the bay. Harper her control freak sister, knows that somethings wrong when Gemma starts hanging out with the beautiful yet utterly creepy, new girls Penn, Lexi, and Thea. Gemma herself can't really explain why these girls are so interested in her. Until she finds out and her whole world changes. In order to stay alive she has to leave her loved ones behind, but if she goes the lives of everyone around her are at risk.

I have to admit my expectations were set very high for this book after I finished, and loved, the Trylle trilogy. Okay, so to start out I'm going to go over my first impressions. (What I thought towards the beginning of the book.) Harper; I thought she was a total stick-in-the-mud-boring-as-paper kind of girl. She treated her sister like she was a naughty five year old! However, Gemma did act bratty at times. I also thought that Alex's character was a little too imperfect. Like the author couldn't show off any of his not nerdy talents?

But as I got further into the book another opinion started to form. Harper wasn't really a.... whatever I called her. She really just wanted to make up for their mothers absence. The mom! I almost forgot. Her story is so sad and it seems crazy when you put yourself in Gemma or Harper's shoes. They had a mom that acts younger than I do! By this point I had started to like Alex and Gemma. Lexi (the creepy new girl) also started to grow on me. She didn't seem as ominous as the other two girls did.

However, throughout the whole book I really liked one character..... Daniel! He was the most realistic character in my opinion. He didn't seem too imperfect or too bossy or too clueless. He seemed more aware of the world than Harper was! As I said, Alex grew on me too, so yeah, I ended up liking him a lot. 

Truth be told, the book did not really meet my expectation. The plot was very slow, and if you read Switched and thought it took a long time to get through that than prepare yourself. Additionally, the plot was really obvious. I completely new that Penn, Lexi, and Thea were mermaids, I could tell with out even reading the back! This book took longer to read than I thought it would because I sped through her other series.

I recommend this book to people who really appreciate Hocking's writing and just want a nice, slow paced, summer read. It's a great book to read at the beach! (get it?) I'm positive that this book will be popular upon its release. (It's coming out TOMORROW if you didn't notice.) So that's all folks. See you next time!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ascend by Amanda Hocking

About the Book:
Pages: 326 (including bonus story)
 Series: Trylle trilogy #3
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
 Release Date: April 24th 2012
Source: Bought

GoodReads Summary:

Wendy Everly is facing an impossible choice. The only way to save the Trylle from their deadliest enemy is by sacrificing herself.  If she doesn’t surrender to the Vittra, her people will be thrust into a brutal war against an unbeatable foe.  But how can Wendy leave all her friends behind…even if it’s the only way to save them?
The stakes have never been higher, because her kingdom isn’t the only thing she stands to lose. After falling for both Finn and Loki, she’s about to make the ultimate choice…who to love forever. One guy has finally proven to be the love of her life—and now all their lives might be coming to an end. 
Everything has been leading to this moment.  The future of her entire world rests in her hands—if she’s ready to fight for it.

This is the finale to Hocking's Trylle trilogy. And, I have to say, the series definitely goes out with a bang! I'm excited cause this is the review where I get to spill all the deets I've been holding in! Wendy is some what, officially running the kingdom now, but she's also going to have to make an official choice between who she wants to be with.....
I have to admit, that the other reviews were really boring. This is mainly because when I read a series in a row I can't remember what happened in each book specifically. I thought dragging Matt into the Trylle thing was a little bit overboard but, Willa and him make a great couple. (That was a totally predictable pair.) I also thought that since Rhy's ends up with Rhiannon, who ever she is, the author should have included her more. I also thought that it was about time she full out rejected Finn.

Now it's time to spill the big things SO IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS BOOK DON'T READ THIS PART!!! I thought it was soooooooo obvious that Loki was perfect for her! After Wendy and Tove's wedding night I was on the floor snorting; Loki's hilarious! I liked his sass, charm, intensity, and his unexpected loyalty towards Wendy.

The plot in this book never left you alone. First, it was Oslinna, next it was the wedding, then it was, ah... Loki :), next Elora's death, then the killing of Oren, and last.... COMPLETE OVERKILL!!! Okay the whole plot was really good, seriously, but after a one night stand she's prego? What the poop? That is totallly, ridiculously over the top. I mean I know they love each other and stuff, but was it really necessary to have Wendy get knocked-up? They should have had a "10 years later" thing in the back not "1 year". That's a bad message for younger audiances, it's like saying, "Everyone don't use protection and get pregnant at 19 just like this beautiful princess did!"

Sorry, that was a little much, but I think I made my point. The only other bad point in this series was that every thing was very predictable. It was obvious to me that they would attack going to Oslinna, that Wendy and Loki would end up together, that Rhianonanonanrinhan (or who ever that was) and Rhys would be together, that Matt and Willa would be together, etc.

Okay, so I recommend this to anyone who's read the other books in the series, lovers of romance, fantasy, relationships, you know and basically everything else in the universe. That's all folks!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cleopatra's Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter

About the Book:
Pages: 355
Series: None
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Release Date: August 1st 2011
Source: Library
GoodReads Summary:
Selene has grown up in a palace on the Nile with her parents, Cleopatra & Mark Antony--the most brilliant, powerful rulers on earth. But the jealous Roman Emperor Octavianus wants Egypt for himself, & when war finally comes, Selene faces the loss of all she's ever loved. Forced to build a new life in Octavianus's household in Rome, she finds herself torn between two young men and two possible destinies--until she reaches out to claim her own.

This stunning novel brings to life the personalities & passions of one of the greatest dramas in history, & offers a wonderful new heroine in Selene.


This book was exquisitely realistic; I felt like I was there alongside Cleopatra S (Cleopatra Selene). I'm a huge fan of historical fiction and this just renewed my passion for the genre. But it felt more like I was reliving a real story, that's good! I feel like the author new Cleopatra S. and this story was just an interview with her! The characters and plot were so believable that I forgot "fiction" was in the title of the genre.

This book was a breeze to read. Although it's not really short, the story line keeps you hooked. I loved Cleopatra (Cleo S.'s mom). She was so powerful that you could feel her presence through the pages! Cleo S. on the other hand has the most tragic story ever! First her older brother, father, and mother die. Then with Octavianus, her younger brother falls ill an passes and later on her older brother Alexandrios gets poisoned and dies! To say the least, that sucks.

The romance department was another thing this book did not run short on. Of course there is a love triangle! ▲! This type of romantic frustration of choosing between two guys is my fave! In one corner there is Marcellus, a charming player, well known for making even the toughest girls swoon!!!! In the other corner is Juba a scholarly fellow that has had Cleo S.'s attention from the start! Juba may be her true love but Marcellus' power might get her back to Egypt. Which one will she choose?

Although I won't tell you who, I will admit I was a bit disappointed with her choice (well, not her's technically, but you get the point.) The plot was a never-ending maze of twists and turns, whether they be in her relationships or with her actions, you never get bored. This might be a product of all the deaths too. Oh and I loved the facts section in the back of the book. It told you what really happened and what the author added in for effect.

This book seems like it has the potential to be popular. I recommend this book to people who are interested in historical fiction, Egypt, love, sacrifice, and tragedy. So if you think you'd be interested in this book, don't just sit here and re-read the review! NO! Get out there and get this book ASAP!!! Go, go, go!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Torn by Amanda Hocking

About the Book:
Pages: 324 (including Bonus Story)
Series: Trylle Trilogy #2
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: February 28th 2012
Source: Bought

GoodReads Summery:

When Wendy Everly first discovers the truth about herself—that she’s a changeling switched at birth—she knows her life will never be the same. Now she’s about to learn that there’s more to the story…

She shares a closer connection to her Vittra rivals than she ever imagined—and they’ll stop at nothing to lure her to their side. With the threat of war looming, her only hope of saving the Trylle is to master her magical powers—and marry an equally powerful royal. But that means walking away from Finn, her handsome bodyguard who’s strictly off limits…and Loki, a Vittra prince with whom she shares a growing attraction.

Torn between her heart and her people, between love and duty, Wendy must decide her fate. If she makes the wrong choice, she could lose everything, and everybody, she’s ever wanted…in both worlds.


WARNING: Spoiler Alert!

Torn isn't just a book, it's a masterpiece. I was astonished (again) by Hocking's amazing writing skills. This book brought the word "sequel" to a whole new level. The plot never failed to please me and kept me up at night. 

The story starts off with a bang! The Vittra kidnap Wendy from her "home" along with Rhy's and her "brother", Matt. They are taken to the Vittra palace where Wendy meets an oddly friendly Vittra Markis named Loki. There is definitely something weird going on with Loki because he basically lets them escape!

Okay, so let's stop here. I fell in love with Loki! The bonus story in the first book had me liking him but at the Vittra palace I was suspicious. His character was like everything a girl could want from a guy. He's sweet, funny, feisty, and he lets you escape from his dungeon.... The perfect man! At that point I wanted Wendy to take him back to the Trylle.

I liked it even more when Wendy got sassy with Finn. In the first book he was easy to love as that guy-she-wants-but-can-never-have kind of way.  Now he should be standing up and taking risks for her, not following the rules for her safety! He's not her dad for Pete's sake! I wanted her to do something more productive at his house. Yell at him or kiss him, there are only a few options! I know he cared for her but really man? Would you rather love and be separated than never love at all?

Her engagement to Tove was expected yet not. I was thinking "Oh she'll have to marry him," but in that way that you just brush it aside. So turns out, what I thought was a random thought was the truth! And then Elora's collapse! That's the thing too. I thought that Elora cared a lot about Wendy but Wendy just hated her too much to see it. When Loki came to whisk Wendy away and marry him, I just about burst! Why didn't she say yes? Why?!?

I've said to much already. I hope I didn't spoil it for you guys, but you were warned! I recommend this book to everyone who read the first one! Also to people who have eyes, a brain, tear ducts, a laughing box (Sponge Bob reference), a smile, and a heart.
Yeah, I love it that much.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In My Mailbox (1)

Hey guys,
I just got these books recently and couldn't wait to share them with you! I hope to read all of these books soon and get you guys they're reviews! SOOOOO EXCITED!!!

Amanda Hocking
August 7th, 2012
Watersong Series #1
I LOVE Amanda Hocking and am excited to get reading!

Ugly to Start With
John Michael Cummings
October 1st, 2011
No series
Looks good, reading by authors request!

Cleopatra's Moon
Vicky Aivear Shecter
August 1st, 2011
No series
Started reading and love the story so far!

Personal Effects
E.M. Kokie
September 11th, 2012
No series
Looks like a cry-love-laugh book!

Jeff Sampson
January 24th, 2012
Deviants #2
I read the first one and loved it so I'm hoping for the same!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Die for Me by Amy Plum

About the Book:
Pages: 341
Series: Revenants #1
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: May 10th 2011
Source: Library

GoodReads Summary:

In the City of Lights, two star-crossed lovers battle a fate that is destined to tear them apart again and again for eternity.

When Kate Mercier's parents die in a tragic car accident, she leaves her life--and memories--behind to live with her grandparents in Paris. For Kate, the only way to survive her pain is escaping into the world of books and Parisian art. Until she meets Vincent.

Mysterious, charming, and devastatingly handsome, Vincent threatens to melt the ice around Kate's guarded heart with just his smile. As she begins to fall in love with Vincent, Kate discovers that he's a revenant--an undead being whose fate forces him to sacrifice himself over and over again to save the lives of others. Vincent and those like him are bound in a centuries-old war against a group of evil revenants who exist only to murder and betray. Kate soon realizes that if she follows her heart, she may never be safe again.


Paris is the most romantic city in the world in real life.... and in books. With this charming setting it's easy to fall in love with the book. Kate has been trying to recover from her parents recent death, but she can't seem to shake off her feelings of mourning, unless her nose is shoved in a book or she's gazing in a museum. Then she meets Vincent and it's like and it's like she can live again. Until she realizes that she's falling in love with the undead.

It must really be something about France. I love every book that is set there! Kate's character was astonishingly brave for someone who is completely normal. I liked her because she read like no tomorrow. :) Though I wish in some ways that she could be a stronger character. Or smarter. When she took a break from Vincent I was thinking, "What's wrong with you?" But, yet again, I have to factor in that her parents died recently. I also got frustrated with Vincent when he didn't tell her absolutely everything about revenants. 

But, Vincent, oh Vincent. He was the perfect character for Kate and complemented her in every way. He was so romantic. *Swoons* He just seemed perfectly imperfect. I loved how he got ill when Kate needed her time away from him. Not in that sick way that screams "I like death" but in a way that seems utterly lovey-dovey. Like he couldn't survive without her around.

The action/plot was very well constructed. I felt like every detail had a purpose and they did! I loved the big sha-wham moment (climax of the plot). I though Lucien made a perfect bad guy and that the whole Georgia thing was really well thought out. Except I wish Plum made Georgia unconscious throughout the whole battle scene, because it just seems like a drag to get everyone involved. The possessing part of the battle was also cool, but I wish Kate died.... So she could become a revenant of course! No seriously, I mean it. I want her to become a revenant but we'll see...

I recommend this book to people who liked Switched by Amanda Hocking (they were surprisingly similar), also to people who like drama, romance, suspense, and France. Hey, that rhymes! But on a serious note, I really, really liked this book... a lot! It's up there with the Hunger Games and the Trylle Trilogy.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Switched by Amanda Hocking

About the Book:
Pages: 293 (not including bonus story)
 Series: Trylle Trilogy #1
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: January 3rd 2012
Source: Bought
GoodReads Summary:

When Wendy Everly was six years old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. Eleven years later, Wendy discovers her mother might have been right. She’s not the person she’s always believed herself to be, and her whole life begins to unravel—all because of Finn Holmes.

Finn is a mysterious guy who always seems to be watching her. Every encounter leaves her deeply shaken…though it has more to do with her fierce attraction to him than she’d ever admit. But it isn’t long before he reveals the truth: Wendy is a changeling who was switched at birth—and he’s come to take her home.

Now Wendy’s about to journey to a magical world she never knew existed, one that’s both beautiful and frightening. And where she must leave her old life behind to discover who she’s meant to become…


I really don't know what to say. This book was breathtaking. Hocking's characters were so beautifully created that it was hard not to fall in love with them. I was taken aback by the amount of passion the author put into this book. This book definitely found it's place on my favorites shelf and I have a feeling it will take permanent residency there.

Although Wendy is surrounded by magic and fantastical worlds, she is still utterly normal. For me that was a breath of fresh air. When you read all of these fantasy novels where the main character is ridiculously graceful or painstakingly odd, it's hard to look up to them. Even though Wendy is an outcast, she doesn't exactly fit into the weird-o stereotype. She is still feisty, pretty, and smart. Her strength is admirable and her character is up there with Katniss.

The male characters in this story will definitely whisk your heart away. Finn for one is sweet, protective, and... cold? (I read these books back to back but I won't spill the beans.) Rhys on the other hand is surely someone I would fall for. He's charming, kind, and forbidden, since he's a manks. Yes, he is clearly my type ;). 

The plot of this book was purposely progressive. I felt like I never got bored with whatever was going on; there was always something to prompt me to keep reading! The final pages of these books were packed witht he most action, though I have to say, this part disappointed me a little. The main sha-bing wa-pow action scene seemed a bit lacking, in terms of suspense. But don't worry, it's supposed to be like that. The greatest things come with time!

This book really surprised me, in the sense that I bought them at Wal-Mart to read while I visited family in upstate New York. I actually didn't start these books until I was about to go home and read each book in about two days. I recommend this book to anyone who has access to books in general!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dark Eyes by William Richter

About the Book:
Pages: 383
 Series: Dark Eyes #1
 Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date: March 15th 2012
 Source: Library

GoodReads  Summary:
Get ready for the vigilante girl detective of the next generation.

Wally was adopted from a Russian orphanage as a child and grew up in a wealthy New York City family. At fifteen, her obsessive need to rebel led her to life on the streets.

Now the sixteen-year-old is beautiful and hardened, and shes just stumbled across the possibility of discovering who she really is. She’ll stop at nothing to find her birth mother before Klesko—her darkeyed father—finds her. Because Klesko will stop at nothing to reclaim the fortune Wally’s mother stole from him long ago. Even if that means murdering his own blood. But Wally's had her own killer training, and she's hungry for justice.

Wally lives on the streets. Not because she has to but because she wants to.  Her life at home wasn't necessarily hard compared to her friends'. But the minute she found out she was adopted was the minute she began to hate her parents. Having her parents get a divorce didn't help either. On the streets she survives by stealing and breaking and entering. However, her past from Russia may hold more secrets and threats than Wally expected.

I thought this book was geared to the wrong audience. It seemed like such a boy book but the main character being a girl definitely pushed this book towards more feminine readers. Truthfully, at some parts I wasn't sure why the author had chosen a woman for the main character. Wally seemed less thoughtful and caring than any girl I know. For example, when Tevin says she's pretty in a sentence she doesn't notice, all she cared about was the subject of their conversation. A girl would notice this! A girl who apparently was "interested in a relationship" with this boy would notice these things! We're not blind!

Although this book did offer what it promised.... action. And lots of it. I think the nonstop action took away from the over all affect f the characters personalities and relationships. I also thought that the gangsters in Russia would be more included in the book. But all I got was two guys who miraculously killed everyone in their path without once being caught by the police? This book may have been packed with adventure, but it was unrealistic. It would make sense if this was fantasy or sci-fi but no, this is a crime thriller. No were in that genre description does it say "please write about illogical things." 

The author also seemed to throw in some things that were completely unnecessary. Like the alexandrite? Why couldn't she have gotten cash? Why did that insignificant part have to be thrown in there? Maybe its just me but does anybody understand the meaning of this, other than to have made the story more valuable and cause extra drama that I was already tired of reading about?

Okay, so yes, this was my first crime thriller thingy. And maybe I just have a problem with the excruciatingly masculine genre. But over all, I only somewhat enjoyed the read. This happens very rarely people so get it on tape! I usually pick out books that I end up loving but I just wanted to try something out of the box. I am glad I had the experience though. So even though I majorly dissed this book in my review, I am happy I read this book.

I recommend this to people who love action.... and suspense.... and... uh... crime action thriller thingies. Until next time folks!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scholastic Summer Challenge!

Hey you guys,
I figured that this Reading Challenge would be a fun way to keep track of how much I read. It's run by Scholastic and it's really easy to get started! I joined yesterday and I only need to read for ten more minutes to reach my goal. This challenge is also great for people who aren't as enthusiastic about reading as I am, because once you meet your weekly goal you earn prizes! I hope you all are inspired to sign up too!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Check Me Out!

If you guys haven't known me for too long (aka: didn't know about me until I started this blog), then I encourage you to look at all my accounts! This includes GoodReads and Twitter accounts.

I also just wanted to let you guys know that I'm currently reading Dark Eyes by William Richter and The Boy on Cinnamon Street by Pheobe Stone. I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on these books with you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford

My first official review on Page Passion Reviews!

About the Book:
Pages: 299
 Series: A Touch Trilogy
Publisher: Greenwillow
Release Date: February 28th 2012
Source: Library

GoodReads Summary:
Eden won the battle-she saved her true love from the darkest evil. But the war has only just begun. With secrets swirling around her, powerful allies unraveling, and life-and death-as she knows it eroding, Eden and those she loves tread dangerous ground. Can she trust anyone? Will her unearthly powers be her salvation or her downfall? A sweeping, dark, and sexy paranormal romance that will haunt readers with an inventive mythology and a cinematic New York City filled with shadows and longing.
Gabriel has Fallen. Az is on the edge of Falling. Siders are dealing out Touch to mortals. Eden is turning to ashes. Even though Eden saved Az from Luke things aren't picture perfect, far from it. Every single day is a struggle to Az, who's on the brink of Falling. It could be the mention of Gabe's name or someone yelling at Eden that could push him over the brink. Kristen can't survive without Gabe and not knowing truth about Gabe's Fall isn't helping her emotions. So she turns to the only other option she has.... Luke.

This book was... hmmm... STUNNING!!! I missed Eden and her innocence and integrity. At first I was a little confused because I had read the first book so long ago and the terms and stuff like that slipped my mind, but within the first 50 pages or so I remembered. I had to admit I loved the intertwining plots for each of the characters! It added an air of mystery and drama to the storyline. I liked each of the characters stories individually too.

Kristen is losing her mind, literally. She has schizophrenia and the only thing that can make it go away is Gabe. But Gabe's left her. She doesn't have any other option; the voices in her head are driving her insane. So she turns to Luke. Luke strikes a deal and soon enough Kristen's fallen in love with him, or so she thinks. I actually enjoyed reading these chapters the most. I thought Luke was turning into someone who's loveable. But I was wrong.....

Gabe's story was truthfully a lot less entertaining for me. I mean how many times can one black out and forget where they are and then wake up killing someone? I liked Gabe's character when he was Bound, but when he's Fallen it seemed like the author spent too much time on how evil he was or how much he wanted to kill that kid over there, instead of getting to the point.

Eden and Az are the most frustrating couple I've ever read about! I feel like, even though she saved his sorry butt and everything, there's never any romance between them. It's all Vaughn or Madeline or Gabe but no Az and Eden! I mean how can you write about a couple who barely (it seems) talk and can't kiss? I doesn't make any sense! Most of the  time I just wanted Az to show up with a magic potion and turn Eden into an angle!

I absolutely loved Jarrod! Oh my gosh I think he's like my #1 favorite book crush (besides Peeta). At first his chapters were boring and slow paced but when he meets Sullivan... he turns into the best dude ever! You just want to hug him! I thought it was so sweet how he stayed with Sullivan through the night and in the morning how he went onto the roof for her! I love his weakness of roofs! I think that when you see the vulnerable side of guys that's when you truly see who they are.

So over all I really liked this book. I thought it was even better than the first one! I wish that Madeline had her own chapters though. I thought she was a great character that they should have explained more. I hope to see her in the next book! I haven't seen a lot of people with this book (probably because it just came out) but I definitely think people should look into this series! I believe readers who love adventure, romance, good characters, a riveting plot, and a touch (hahaha get it... touch?) of darkness will LOVE this book!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hey guys,
This is Natalie from Natsgoldenbooks. I'm trying out Blogger to see if I like it better than WordPress. If I do then this will be the home of my book blog! If you guys know how I can put my reviews from WordPress onto Blogger please comment and tell me how!