About Me

I'm a pretty simple person. I am a sophomore in high school who loves to write poetry, take photos, listen to music, and be with my friends and family. I moved to Page Passion from Natsgoldenbooks.wordpress.com because I wanted to mix things up a little. I am recently coming back from a two year break; high school (and life in general) can get a little overwhelming! But, I'd like to get back at reading a reviewing books, so here I am.
The types of books that I like to read and review will vary. Many books that I review are ones assigned to me for school. I feel like reviewing these books is a unique way to look at traditional reading assignments. I also review poetry collections and some young adult novels. Hope you enjoy my blog!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Natalie,
    I just wanted to say congrats on this gorgeous new blog!
