Contact/Review Policy

Contact Addresses:
GoodReads: Page Passion

Review Policy Info:

I am open to receiving books to review. My favorite kinds of books to read are paranormal, romance, historical, and realistic fiction,  but I’m open to any other genres. I don’t like books that are super inappropriate or sexually mature. Sorry, but I’m not going to read self published books. I may accept unsolicited books if you email me first and I accept (
I am open to hosting giveaways and hosting guest bloggers and authors on my blog. I am also open to interviewing authors by request.
Rating System:
I don’t rate books in stars, but I express my opinion in my reviews. You’ll actually have to read the review to understand how I felt about the book.
WARNING!!!!  The review its self may not be in a positive fashion, but it is HONEST. I will try as hard as I can not to write a completely negative review, and stop a viewer from reading a book they may enjoy.  I won’t post a review on your book if a.) I don’t finish it -or- b). If contains content that I do not wish to discuss on my blog.

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