Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scholastic Summer Challenge!

Hey you guys,
I figured that this Reading Challenge would be a fun way to keep track of how much I read. It's run by Scholastic and it's really easy to get started! I joined yesterday and I only need to read for ten more minutes to reach my goal. This challenge is also great for people who aren't as enthusiastic about reading as I am, because once you meet your weekly goal you earn prizes! I hope you all are inspired to sign up too!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Check Me Out!

If you guys haven't known me for too long (aka: didn't know about me until I started this blog), then I encourage you to look at all my accounts! This includes GoodReads and Twitter accounts.

I also just wanted to let you guys know that I'm currently reading Dark Eyes by William Richter and The Boy on Cinnamon Street by Pheobe Stone. I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on these books with you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford

My first official review on Page Passion Reviews!

About the Book:
Pages: 299
 Series: A Touch Trilogy
Publisher: Greenwillow
Release Date: February 28th 2012
Source: Library

GoodReads Summary:
Eden won the battle-she saved her true love from the darkest evil. But the war has only just begun. With secrets swirling around her, powerful allies unraveling, and life-and death-as she knows it eroding, Eden and those she loves tread dangerous ground. Can she trust anyone? Will her unearthly powers be her salvation or her downfall? A sweeping, dark, and sexy paranormal romance that will haunt readers with an inventive mythology and a cinematic New York City filled with shadows and longing.
Gabriel has Fallen. Az is on the edge of Falling. Siders are dealing out Touch to mortals. Eden is turning to ashes. Even though Eden saved Az from Luke things aren't picture perfect, far from it. Every single day is a struggle to Az, who's on the brink of Falling. It could be the mention of Gabe's name or someone yelling at Eden that could push him over the brink. Kristen can't survive without Gabe and not knowing truth about Gabe's Fall isn't helping her emotions. So she turns to the only other option she has.... Luke.

This book was... hmmm... STUNNING!!! I missed Eden and her innocence and integrity. At first I was a little confused because I had read the first book so long ago and the terms and stuff like that slipped my mind, but within the first 50 pages or so I remembered. I had to admit I loved the intertwining plots for each of the characters! It added an air of mystery and drama to the storyline. I liked each of the characters stories individually too.

Kristen is losing her mind, literally. She has schizophrenia and the only thing that can make it go away is Gabe. But Gabe's left her. She doesn't have any other option; the voices in her head are driving her insane. So she turns to Luke. Luke strikes a deal and soon enough Kristen's fallen in love with him, or so she thinks. I actually enjoyed reading these chapters the most. I thought Luke was turning into someone who's loveable. But I was wrong.....

Gabe's story was truthfully a lot less entertaining for me. I mean how many times can one black out and forget where they are and then wake up killing someone? I liked Gabe's character when he was Bound, but when he's Fallen it seemed like the author spent too much time on how evil he was or how much he wanted to kill that kid over there, instead of getting to the point.

Eden and Az are the most frustrating couple I've ever read about! I feel like, even though she saved his sorry butt and everything, there's never any romance between them. It's all Vaughn or Madeline or Gabe but no Az and Eden! I mean how can you write about a couple who barely (it seems) talk and can't kiss? I doesn't make any sense! Most of the  time I just wanted Az to show up with a magic potion and turn Eden into an angle!

I absolutely loved Jarrod! Oh my gosh I think he's like my #1 favorite book crush (besides Peeta). At first his chapters were boring and slow paced but when he meets Sullivan... he turns into the best dude ever! You just want to hug him! I thought it was so sweet how he stayed with Sullivan through the night and in the morning how he went onto the roof for her! I love his weakness of roofs! I think that when you see the vulnerable side of guys that's when you truly see who they are.

So over all I really liked this book. I thought it was even better than the first one! I wish that Madeline had her own chapters though. I thought she was a great character that they should have explained more. I hope to see her in the next book! I haven't seen a lot of people with this book (probably because it just came out) but I definitely think people should look into this series! I believe readers who love adventure, romance, good characters, a riveting plot, and a touch (hahaha get it... touch?) of darkness will LOVE this book!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hey guys,
This is Natalie from Natsgoldenbooks. I'm trying out Blogger to see if I like it better than WordPress. If I do then this will be the home of my book blog! If you guys know how I can put my reviews from WordPress onto Blogger please comment and tell me how!