Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vesper by Jeff Sampson

About the Book:
 Pages: 288
Series: Deviants #1
Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: January 25th 2011
Source: Library

GoodReads Summary:
Emily Webb is a geek. And she's happy that way. Content hiding under hoodies and curling up to watch old horror flicks, she's never been the kind of girl who sneaks out for midnight parties. And she's "definitely" not the kind of girl who starts fights or flirts with other girls' boyfriends. Until one night Emily finds herself doing exactly that . . . the same night one of her classmates--also named Emily--is found mysteriously murdered.

The thing is, Emily doesn't know why she's doing any of this. By day, she's the same old boring Emily, but by night, she turns into a thrill seeker. With every nightfall, Emily gets wilder until it's no longer just her personality that changes. Her body can do things it never could before: Emily is now strong, fast, and utterly fearless. And soon Emily realizes that she's not just coming out of her shell . . . there's something much bigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soul of the other, murdered Emily? Or is Emily Webb becoming something else entirely-- something not human?

As Emily hunts for answers, she finds out that she's not the only one this is happening to--some of her classmates are changing as well. Who is turning these teens into monsters--and how many people will they kill to get what they want?

Sorry the review is small... but I read this book a long time ago.... sorry, again!

Emily doesn't know whats going on. A girl in her small town had been found dead and she is suddenly running around flirting and fighting. All of this started after the girl was murdered. During the day Emily is her self but at night she turns into a social butterfly who isn't afraid to do anything. Somethings up but Emily's not sure she can get to the bottom of it. She knows that this odd bewitching has something to do with the murderer and the girl that died but she can't pin point one thing....

This book was a great read, especially after reading the Trylle trilogy. It still had the fantasy I yearned for but also added in some realistic fiction. I also thought that the concept was great and really unique. I was really frustrated with Emily though; I wanted to slap her and say, "Get yourself together!" The quiet side of her was the most aggravating because she was just sooooo quiet. I mean I'm quiet too but not that much! I didn't really like the romantic aspect of this book either; I felt like the reader didn't have enough time to connect with the guy she ends up with.

Over all, it was a nice read, but I wasn't really impressed by anything. Maybe the sequel will show up on my blog someday? I don't know. But what I do know is that I've been absent for a long time, but I'm planning  on trying to blog more. Again sorry this was so short but I'm pressed for time and, truthfully, I don't remember much of the book. See you soon!