Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy- Ways to Help

Hi everyone,
I know this isn't a book review but hopefully one will be coming soon! (if your wondering which book check out my GoodReads) I just wanted to let you guys know that I survived Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy ;) Luckily my county got the least of her fury, but there are some trees down over here and my power was out for two days. Now watching the news anyone can see that most places affected by this storm have been hit hard and are seriously suffering.

Please try to help those in need and visit:
Red Cross- and look under How To Help Those Affected
Feed The Children- general information and donation options
World Vision- Personal hygiene, food, and flood-clean-up kits for victims

And for lots of other ways to help/donate visit ABC News for a list of charitable websites.