Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ascend by Amanda Hocking

About the Book:
Pages: 326 (including bonus story)
 Series: Trylle trilogy #3
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
 Release Date: April 24th 2012
Source: Bought

GoodReads Summary:

Wendy Everly is facing an impossible choice. The only way to save the Trylle from their deadliest enemy is by sacrificing herself.  If she doesn’t surrender to the Vittra, her people will be thrust into a brutal war against an unbeatable foe.  But how can Wendy leave all her friends behind…even if it’s the only way to save them?
The stakes have never been higher, because her kingdom isn’t the only thing she stands to lose. After falling for both Finn and Loki, she’s about to make the ultimate choice…who to love forever. One guy has finally proven to be the love of her life—and now all their lives might be coming to an end. 
Everything has been leading to this moment.  The future of her entire world rests in her hands—if she’s ready to fight for it.

This is the finale to Hocking's Trylle trilogy. And, I have to say, the series definitely goes out with a bang! I'm excited cause this is the review where I get to spill all the deets I've been holding in! Wendy is some what, officially running the kingdom now, but she's also going to have to make an official choice between who she wants to be with.....
I have to admit, that the other reviews were really boring. This is mainly because when I read a series in a row I can't remember what happened in each book specifically. I thought dragging Matt into the Trylle thing was a little bit overboard but, Willa and him make a great couple. (That was a totally predictable pair.) I also thought that since Rhy's ends up with Rhiannon, who ever she is, the author should have included her more. I also thought that it was about time she full out rejected Finn.

Now it's time to spill the big things SO IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS BOOK DON'T READ THIS PART!!! I thought it was soooooooo obvious that Loki was perfect for her! After Wendy and Tove's wedding night I was on the floor snorting; Loki's hilarious! I liked his sass, charm, intensity, and his unexpected loyalty towards Wendy.

The plot in this book never left you alone. First, it was Oslinna, next it was the wedding, then it was, ah... Loki :), next Elora's death, then the killing of Oren, and last.... COMPLETE OVERKILL!!! Okay the whole plot was really good, seriously, but after a one night stand she's prego? What the poop? That is totallly, ridiculously over the top. I mean I know they love each other and stuff, but was it really necessary to have Wendy get knocked-up? They should have had a "10 years later" thing in the back not "1 year". That's a bad message for younger audiances, it's like saying, "Everyone don't use protection and get pregnant at 19 just like this beautiful princess did!"

Sorry, that was a little much, but I think I made my point. The only other bad point in this series was that every thing was very predictable. It was obvious to me that they would attack going to Oslinna, that Wendy and Loki would end up together, that Rhianonanonanrinhan (or who ever that was) and Rhys would be together, that Matt and Willa would be together, etc.

Okay, so I recommend this to anyone who's read the other books in the series, lovers of romance, fantasy, relationships, you know and basically everything else in the universe. That's all folks!

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