Monday, July 23, 2012

Cleopatra's Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter

About the Book:
Pages: 355
Series: None
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Release Date: August 1st 2011
Source: Library
GoodReads Summary:
Selene has grown up in a palace on the Nile with her parents, Cleopatra & Mark Antony--the most brilliant, powerful rulers on earth. But the jealous Roman Emperor Octavianus wants Egypt for himself, & when war finally comes, Selene faces the loss of all she's ever loved. Forced to build a new life in Octavianus's household in Rome, she finds herself torn between two young men and two possible destinies--until she reaches out to claim her own.

This stunning novel brings to life the personalities & passions of one of the greatest dramas in history, & offers a wonderful new heroine in Selene.


This book was exquisitely realistic; I felt like I was there alongside Cleopatra S (Cleopatra Selene). I'm a huge fan of historical fiction and this just renewed my passion for the genre. But it felt more like I was reliving a real story, that's good! I feel like the author new Cleopatra S. and this story was just an interview with her! The characters and plot were so believable that I forgot "fiction" was in the title of the genre.

This book was a breeze to read. Although it's not really short, the story line keeps you hooked. I loved Cleopatra (Cleo S.'s mom). She was so powerful that you could feel her presence through the pages! Cleo S. on the other hand has the most tragic story ever! First her older brother, father, and mother die. Then with Octavianus, her younger brother falls ill an passes and later on her older brother Alexandrios gets poisoned and dies! To say the least, that sucks.

The romance department was another thing this book did not run short on. Of course there is a love triangle! ▲! This type of romantic frustration of choosing between two guys is my fave! In one corner there is Marcellus, a charming player, well known for making even the toughest girls swoon!!!! In the other corner is Juba a scholarly fellow that has had Cleo S.'s attention from the start! Juba may be her true love but Marcellus' power might get her back to Egypt. Which one will she choose?

Although I won't tell you who, I will admit I was a bit disappointed with her choice (well, not her's technically, but you get the point.) The plot was a never-ending maze of twists and turns, whether they be in her relationships or with her actions, you never get bored. This might be a product of all the deaths too. Oh and I loved the facts section in the back of the book. It told you what really happened and what the author added in for effect.

This book seems like it has the potential to be popular. I recommend this book to people who are interested in historical fiction, Egypt, love, sacrifice, and tragedy. So if you think you'd be interested in this book, don't just sit here and re-read the review! NO! Get out there and get this book ASAP!!! Go, go, go!!

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