Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reel to Reel by Alan Shapiro


GoodReads Summary:
In language richly nuanced yet accessible, these poems inhabit and explore fundamental questions of existence, such as time, mortality, consciousness, and matter. How did we get here? Why is there something rather than nothing? How do we live fully and lovingly as conscious creatures in an unconscious universe with no ultimate purpose or destination beyond returning to the abyss that spawned us? Shapiro brings his humor, imaginative intensity, characteristic syntactical energy, and generous heart to bear on these ultimate mysteries. In ways few poets have done, he writes from a premodern, primal sense of wonder about our postmodern world


 Unlike the last poetry collection I reviewed, this novel is less a "coffee table book" and more of something to read when you need inspiration. The poetry takes longer to get through, but once you get used to the language, you can fully appreciate its beauty. And I will admit; this poetry is not my favorite. I like things that are simple yet powerful, and complex yet easy to comprehend. This style/form of poesy takes getting used to. 

Although I don't connect with this writing as much, I cannot deny both its eloquence and its beauty. I have not read completely through this book yet (you need these stanzas in doses) I do enjoy the amount that I indulge in. Particular poems that I enjoy are "In Winter" and "Gravity." Both of which delve into the simple yet unthinkable mystery of time and space; the things we like to think we understand, but truly never will.

All in all, I think that if you genuinely enjoy poetry, you will also enjoy this book. The hard phrasing and tough lines make it seemingly worth it as you finish each page, a challenging read that I can appreciate. Personally, this isn't a book of poems I reach for often, because it does take quite a bit of contemplating for me, but I do like flipping through it.


Sorry this is so short! School has been hectic, what with scheduling and new semesters, so I will try to get back on track next week!!!

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